Kitten maciver Posts: 3472 Joined: Fri 2:36 pm

It's not a huge deal as it's still there I'll just have to recheck them all and run BOSS. When I disabled everything but the Nehrim esm and esp, it worked perfectly but when I went back to Wrye Bash, all of my mods were disabled. When I left all of my esp and esm files checked in the Nehrim launcher, it crashed upon loading the game. It makes a new game directory but it inports/modifies load order. This is like getting a free game - so cool. Step 4: Navigate to Compatibility tab and uncheck the boxes next to Disable visual themes and Disable desktop composition option.It makes a new game directory so most of those questions are moot it will access resources from a new data directory and so no the question becomes can I add OBSE and maybe even port Wrye Bash? Because I already see Nehrim mods on Nexus - not many, but Oblivion is hard to imagine without Bash and the mods I mentioned before like TQP and Menu escape.īut first things first - going to at least try and get it up and running tonight. Step 3: Locate Oblivion.exe file, right-click on it and choose Properties option. Step 2: Right-click the game’s icon, choose Properties option and click the Browse Local Files button. Step 1: Open Steam Client > Library tab and Oblivion entry in the list. Solution 5: Uncheck Disable visual themes and desktop composition Method 3: For AMD/ATI Users: Open AMD Catalyst Control Center > Display management > Disable all monitors except your PC screen. Method 2: For NVIDIA Users: Right-click Desktop > NVIDIA Control Panel > Display tab > Set up multiple displays > Disable all monitors except your PC screen. Method 1: Press Windows Key + P key combination and choosing PC screen only option at the top. Step 4: Type MusicEnabled in the box and change the value next to it from 1 to 0 then save the file.

Step 3: Press Ctrl + F key combination to open the Search box. Step 2: Locate Oblivion.ini, right-click it and choose Open with Notepad and click OK. Solution 3: Disable music via Oblivion.ini configuration file Step 2: Locate it in the Downloads folder and double-click to install it. Step 1: Visit Codec Guide to download K-Lite Codec Pack. Step 3: Restart Oblivion from Steam Client. Step 2: Select everything besides Saves folder, right-click and choose Delete option. Step 1: Navigate to Local Disk > Users > Your Account’s Name > Documents > My Games > Oblivion. Reference Solution 1: Delete Oblivion Folder in My Games folder Solution 6: Uninstall Cyberlink Power DVD 5 Solution 1: Delete Oblivion Folder in My Games folder Problem: Oblivion crashes immediately on startup when trying to launch, error message stated “Oblivion has stopped working” show without specific error code.