(But note that even basic enchanting is hard to do in the early game using their crafting system.) Moderate yourself so you don't ruin your game experience. You can, of course, use it to grossly cheat.
This is really to carry over various items that may have sentimental value (and usefulness), such as Shandra's Amulet. Prefab items will still be given for empty equipment slots - the mod won't ruin the game for new characters. If you are attached to certain items that can't be equipped or not all at once (e.g., various plot rewards of sentimental value), you can download this mod for the override folder which changes some of the scripts in Mask of the Betrayer to save all your inventory and gold (which could be over a million from Crossroad Keep). Nevertheless, it is probably better to start with a completely empty inventory because whatever you carry over from the Original Campaign in terms of armor or other gear (probably customized) is probably overpowered for the start. Technically useful, but not if you're concentrating on Monk abilities. For example, a Monk/Fighter could get a suit of Full Plate +3. This item is quite generic but could be useless to you. If you start with nothing equipped in the other slots, empty slots get a prefab item. If you imported your character from the Original Campaign, you start with no helmet, no weapons, no inventory. You should first read general information in our Character Creation notes for the Original Campaign as much of the information applies. Play Neverwinter Nights 2 risk-free with money-back guarantee from Good Old Games.
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This is one of a series of walkthroughs/hints for Neverwinter Nights 2 (Mask of the Betrayer). Neverwinter Nights 2 - Mask of the Betrayer - Character Creation and Game Quirks